Monday, July 27, 2020

Its All About The Process

It’s All About The Process As you probably know by now, MIT has completed the process of admitting the class of 2010. I am very proud of the Admissions professionals at MIT. So much so that I am proud to say that many are more like friends than colleagues. We spent many, many nights and weekends looking at all of your applications. As we began Selection Committee I was overwhelmed with the staffs knowledge of individual cases and their passion and respect for the process. I am particularly pleased with the diversity of this class. For many there is a perception that the only way to increase diversity is to relax the standards. I cant speak for other Colleges/Universities, but that is not the case at MIT. Everyone had to withstand close scrutiny and examination before being admitted. PERIOD. Hats off to those who were admitted. This is an exciting time for you. Take a moment and bask in the glow of getting the MIT fat packet. Once that moment is over, get back in the game because you have a big decision to make in the next six weeks. Not to worry, we are here to answer your questions about all things MIT. (Probably not all things MIT; more like most things MIT.) For those who were not admitted, I know how hard you worked and I know how much pain you must be in right now. You too need to allow yourself a moment to reflect on what this news means to you. Just like those admitted, once your moment is over, you need to get back in the game as well. Although you were not admitted to MIT I am more than confident that you have received other great offers of admissions from very good colleges. So you too must have exciting news to share with our blogging community. So let it be written, so let it be done! Best of luck to everyone.

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